Subcity Radio Renaissance // "pure radio cybersex"
Subcity radio first hit the airwaves in 1995. In a press release at the time, local listeners were promised "pure radio sex", a phrase that has stuck in the mind of the team, contributors and listeners ever since. It inspired the name of our most recent party, a hedonistic celebration of the internet age. We may parrot it in a more ironic tone today, but our intentions remain largely unchanged: bring the people of Glasgow, and since 2003, the people of the internet at large, unadulterated joy through sound. In service of this goal, we present to you our new website, back on our familiar and storied .org domain. This update is not final: there is still much to come.

This new site launches at a time of change for Subcity. Rocked as the rest of the world was by a global health crisis, and facing critical technical failure, the station has been in a state of flux for over two years. Despite this, our amazing team have carried the torch and it feels like we're finally finding our way out of the woods. On the heels of a string of unforgettable parties, unimaginably special guest slots, and the return of subcity sessions, not to mention countless amazing new regular shows, this new platform to share our vision of freeform radio with you could not be more appropriately timed.
The design philosophy of this new site considers and echoes the internet Subcity first ventured onto over 20 years ago. Simplicity, DIY ethic, and freedom to adapt/experiment/innovate are paramount. It was built from scratch by a tiny team of unpaid volunteers; with this in mind, we ask that you bare with us through any glitches or issues. Feel free to contact with any suggestions or bug reports, or just to say hi.
We hope you are as excited as we are for this new website. Have a look around, tune in, tell your friends. This is only the beginning.
-Ada, Subcity Web Team