Subcity's Sweet Sixteen

One More Tune, Dim Sum, Datarape, Hahaha, Raksha, Jackie Your Body, Beat Beneath (Simon Bryan), Chungo-Bungo, Worst Chips Ever, Kaleidoscope, Synth
Sweet Sixteen is going to be the envy of every over-indulged brat that’s ever wailed about their unicorn drawn carriage being the wrong shade of blue. This isn’t some simple legal convention, we are not coming of age: we know how to throw a party. So while there’s no gift wrapped Hummers sitting in our Daddy’s garage, or a thousand Taiwanese orphans putting the last few crystals into the platinum tiara that completes outfit no. ...7, we are giving over The Arches to the garish and tacky, with some of the station’s dreamiest pinups celebrating sixteen years of free-form radio that only a mother could love.