


If you push post-modern thought to its logical extreme, it'll end up wallowing around naked in a sea of its own piss and shit. This is the sound of BLACK STATIC TRANSMISISON.

Musical primitivism isn't some brain-dead, neanderthal fuck-around. Nor is it a bunch of angst-ridden, sexually repressed retards sticking a loop station/microphone combo into a shitty overdriven practice amp.

If you want a glib soundbite, then the sound of supposedly 'high' art/thought mutated into unrestricted freedom, acting on impulse with a love of sound as sound is roughly in the right ball park. Stuffy academia it most definately is not.

If you want a list of genres, then you're in the wrong place. But if you share a wave-length with free jazz, psychedelic electronics, devolved rawk shamanism, gnomic folk and other outsider audio, you'll probably have a lot to smoke about.

The so-called alternative/underground is about as alternative as ham sandwiches at high altitude. Come get some gourment subterannean dining at its dangerously undercooked best.
