


A queercentric commentary from the faggy Blitz kids at Glasgow. It's the mixed tape you always wanted your high school sweetheart to give you but they didn't...because they were shit. But you had nothing in common, so it's fine! We're the dumpster baby of Boy George and Blondie, had they used a turkey baster. Playing the queer alt pop that used to ambush Top of the Pops, these are the songs that you listen to whilst you're singing in to your hair brush and downing your Lambrini. Not one to shy away from the new, we'll be playing some fresh stuff, always on the look out for a new gay icon to harass the fuck out of. As if this wasn't enough, we'll also be giving you our unique take on current events and random celebrity shit and how gay we think they are (gay as in fabulous, not as in shit. Homophobes).

