
Debate is Free

Debate is Free

Want news with a bit of bite? Want to be informed? Want to cut out all the 24 hour news mince and get the news as it should be with out all the spin? Then Debate is free is the show for you.

Every show brings you the top topics of the week in the UK and the wider world and gives you the complex issues of the day in a way you can understand. It helps that we are less boring than your usual political talkshows scattered across the TV and radio schedules.

Each week, we will have our special guest where you set the questions and get the answers you want. So tune in and join in even if it's only arguing with your flatmate once the shows done.

Get in contact with the show on if you want to comment or to suggest a guest for us to invite on the show.

Please note that the content held within these interviews are wholly owned by Kirsteen Fraser. Any reproduction requires prior permission and attribution to Kirsteen Fraser of Debate is Free at Subcity Radio.

