This show takes on the format of a mixtape or sound collage, or of someone turning the dial on a radio that spans time as well as sound – twisting, turning, fading in and out of static, wind and vinyl crackles to create an immersive experience, evoking aspects of Psychogeography, Hauntology and Rural Psychedelia, connecting listeners to the stranger, wyrder aspects of the UK its history and its landscape.
It might take the form of Scottish folksongs from the Canna House archive, melding into found audio of late night Glasgow, into the Sacred Harp 19th century singing group recorded live at the Quaker Meeting House, into snatches of dialogue... interviews ….spoken passages from books, strange legends, spooky tales, unusual social history….mixed with songs by such Rural Psychedlicists as Broadcast, Flying Saucer Attack and Movietone and with modern folkists, whose work looks backward to the 19th century as John Fahey and Richard Dawson…all to create a mix of the Uncanny and the Wyrd in a modern setting.