
International Women's Day

International Women's Day

Happy International Women's Day!

Our features manager Anna Casey, Fraser Bone from Pearl Necklace and Paul Challinor from Blitz have curated a three and a half hour feature to celebrate International Women's Day, with interviews with local charities, women's groups and creative individuals in the city.

We will be playing mixes from some of our own femme family, with Rachel Smith from Kaleidoscope and Floyd from Bangers and Mash-Up, as well as monologues from today's SRC production of 'The Vagina Monologues'.

Listen out for some LadyFest tracks ahead of the weekend's festival starting tonight and catch up with the grrrlz at TYCI and LUYD, vag-power zines in the city.

Have an amazing day, celebrate women and reclaim your cunt!

Lot's of love,

Subcity xx
