


Like music? Like lots of different kinds of music? Come on a musical trip through many genres, styles and traditions with Journeys!

Suggest destinations and vote for the 'Weird But Wonderful' winner every week. Find out more than you ever wanted to know about a particular artist or tune in the 'Spotlight'.

Past shows have included; Funk, Rock, Old-School Rap, House, African, Classical, Indian (Bollywood), Proto-Punk, Psychedelic, Reggae & Dub, New Orleans Jazz & Funk, Blues, Soul and even a show based around songs with pretty colours in their name!

Each show is intended to be a subtle arc of discovery that allows listeners to take a refreshing dip in the shallows of genres, styles and artists that they might never otherwise have gone near. I may randomly give a little background and context to the tunes (depending on the theme and my mood), but it is definitely a music show and not intended as a documentary.

Relax, lay back, and let me take you somewhere...
