
Men and Machines

Men and Machines

Men and Machines is a radio show broadcast on Subcity Radio every second Thursday from 9-11pm.

We also host a club night at Stereo on Renfield Lane by the same name.

Previous guests include the likes of JD Twitch (Optimo), Dompteur Mooner, Luke Abbott (Border Community), Allez-Allez DJs, Nicolas Stefan (Kompakt), Gavin Russom as Black Meteoric Star (DFA), Efdemin (Dial), Mr Raoul K (Baobab Music), Brain Machine (ThisIsNotAnExit), Maelstrom (Eskimo/Solar Disco), Shit Robot (DFA), Etienne Jaumet (Versatile) and Pantha Du Prince (Dial), JG Wilkes (Optimo), Erdbeerschnitzel (3rd Strike), Serge Santiago, The Niallist, King & Cousin, Cousin Cole, Manuel Gottsching...

We play music you can thrust too.

Coming up (check facebook for more details)...

San Quentin @ La Cheetah, Fri 18th March
3rd Birthday
