
Screen Shrapnel

Screen Shrapnel

Welcome, good people, to the most significant audio event since that chubby scamp Orson Welles terrified America with his War of the Worlds broadcast: Screen Shrapnel. Growing, like a deformed phoenix, from burning ticket stubs for 'Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen' and 'Terminator Salvations', the team at Screen Shrapnel will guide you through the murky, and sometimes smelly, waters that are Glasgow’s film scene. We’ll treat you to recommendations and reviews of local cinematic events, give our thoughts on the latest art-house and mainstream releases, and each week we'll reveal iconoclastic revisions of the films that should be on your DVD shelves but aren’t. Don’t expect sycophantic outpourings or empty platitudes, only cold hard criticism and some cheeky banter. These are the piercing sound fragments of Screen Shrapnel, prepare to be under whelmed.
