
Sweet Sixteen

Sweet Sixteen

Where were you in 95? You probably were either: wearing baggy spliffy jeans listening to Bonkers vol.1, playing red rover in the playground, slamming pogs, crushing on Jordan Catalano from My So Called Life, or just an erectile stirring in your dad’s pocket.

Subcity Radio was just starting out too, broadcasting out of a flat in the West End, trying to provide according to the Station Manager at the time Richard Wilkinson “Decent music radio for anyone who doesn't enjoy listening to the usual chart fodder.”

Shit has changed since those 1 month only broadcast license days of the mid to late-90s, now its all hyperreal timeshifted streaming until the Internet dies. The format of distribution might have changed but we haven’t changed the logo, we also kept the non-profit freeform ethic, and the station’s focus on niche music.

We asked the station’s dreamiest pin ups to submit their teenage rites of passage. Whether it songs they were listening to when they were 16, or just songs about teenager shit like masturbating, booze, making out, girls, boys etc.
