
The Music of Time

The Music of Time

The Music of Time is a monthly one-hour music show and history programme rolled into one. Each show presents the music of a particular time in history, woven together by the tale of that particular time as told to you by presenter Ben Shepherd and special guests. The music may be influenced or inspired *by* the time – experience, for example, ancient Egypt through the medium of 1970s Afrocentric jazz-funk. Or it may be *from* the time – for instance the Vietnam War, hideous as it was, generated an undeniably blistering soundtrack. Other show themes include World War Two, the Thatcher Years, the American Civil War, the African-American Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, and the fall of Apartheid. The music played covers genres as varied as the history itself, including rock of various hues, soundtrack, electronica, world music, soul and funk, and folk and roots, all of top quality and all helping to tell the historical story. Ben does history for a living, lecturing on it at Glasgow Caledonian University, but he promises this will be a Powerpoint-free show. Production is by Dave Gillies and Nina Doherty.
