
The Self Raising Flour Hour Of Power

The Self Raising Flour Hour Of Power

Our first two years with the station were a mix of horrific improvisation, bad jokes, libellous statements and great super keen fun guests. We hope to continue this into the next millenium. Oh, wait, that's already taken place? Well cosmos be damned. The actual date, (or star date), should not limit the plithiness of the the final sentence of a paragraph.

This particular radio unit include a fulcrum, Daryn Shepherd, a constant, Louise Hoblyn, and a revolving Lyndsay Mccartney.

(We sometimes get joined by such guests as:
Douglas T Stewart of BMX Bandits, The Twilight Sad, Frightened Rabbit, 1990s, Ross Clark,
John B Mckenna, Alan Bissett, Y'all Is Fantasy Island, Stroszek, The Ballad Of Mable Wong,
We Were Promised Jetpacks, doneimagine,
Tayside Mental Health, Wounded Knee.
But none of them are actually tradesmen so our doors are still a bit wonky)

As well as allowing artists to perform live in the studio and also settle down we let them pour out their souls into our BIG MELTING POT.

We argue, we fight, we joke, we love and most crucial off all, we are non smokers. Please, do not resist us!

We are the (polite) Borg cube that is The Self Raising Flour Hour of Power team.

"Listeners and guests will craft and shape the show, otherwise I will craft and shape them!"
- Humphrey Richard Adeane Lyttelton

(He was a nice arty tony-hart-with-a-trumpet sort of man who is unable to escape his violent past of having an ancestor associated with the gunpowder plot)
