
Through Muirshiel Gap

Through Muirshiel Gap

What obsesses the Glaswegian eye? The eyes of Paisley, Gourock, and Millport; the eyes in Kilbrides both, Muirshiel and all in Ayrshire: what draws west their fascinated gazes, over the firth, over Islay and all Ulster? It is cowboys and the dream of lands unseen.

This radio programme longs and dreams of some 'elsewhere', reaches, like every good Scot, to fill the gap between the dreamer and the dreamt for with stories and music; literature and essays; sounds and impressions: easy-listening to relax by; yielding space to imagine in.

Each programme is entirely unique and will surprise.

Please, please come. There is a really great place I know, not too far from here as it happens, it's called the Muirshiel Gap. It is not east of here.
