


Vugge (pron. vuh-geh, from Norwegian, noun: "cradle", verb: "lull/sway") is a monthly hour-long aural cradle, showcasing a blend of ambient, understated, mellow, subtle house and lush electro. With the world of electronic music increasingly being populated by lads shouting "HWFG" and a collective tunnel vision where the only focus is belters becoming prevalent, Vugge seeks to highlight the strands that do not encourage screaming (unless due to catharsis) or fist-pumping, but rather invite you to sway along or float about, with possibilities of the occasional shoulder movement. Its purpose is not to psyche you up for a night out, but instead to be what you put on when the majority have left the afterparty. It presents you with the opportunity to fall into a dream or imaginary world for a limited period of time.

If you're sitting on music you think would fit into the show, please feel free to send it to, other enquiries can be directed to
