Wise Birds

Have questions about the general state of your life and the universe? Log an inquiry with the Wise Birds (Rachel and some other people) and you'll soon be asking questions like "how did these birds get so wise?", or, "how did these birds get access to my personal information?"
Perhaps, more accurately, you'll get to hear some songs. Nice songs! Wise songs. Songs of yet-to-be-disclosed genre and timbre and quality and length and shape and colour. But they will be wise. Wise songs for Wise Birds.
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Wise Birds - (07) dead birds
Talking about death with my father, 78 years old, wise enough bird nowawdays. Love u pops

Wise Birds - (06) birds fly abroad
Two very tired birds, Joe and Rachel, talk about their time abroad, now long since passed

Wise Birds - (04) solitary bird
Ostensibly...ostensibly, ostensibly. Nothing much this time - fun solo show, no frills, mostly songs, more birds than ever before.

Wise Birds - (03) birds get spiritual
Ostensibly about spirituality with Heather and Luke

Wise Birds - (02) sister birds play the hits
Ostensibly about sisterhood with Susanna

Wise Birds - (01) wise birds talk about childhood
Ostensibly about childhood with Anahita and Gene