
Moon Gardening

Moon Gardening

Moon Gardening is a regular exploration of the unheard and unusual lurking just outside our aural peripheries. Archival and field recordings, library music, forgotten film soundtracks, ghostly TV dialogue, DIY soundscapes and turntable experiments are “gardened” by the curator to create new and exciting sonic collage.

A garden sauvage for music lovers conjured in the mind of the listener. A wildflower symphony or floral tapestry that ebbs and flows through the airwaves, bringing colour and interest to the garden at every time of year. Moon Gardening is a chance for the listener to relax and unwind after a stressful day. Lily of the Valium. A sonic bubblebath infused with rosehip, sage and lavender.

Each episode is lovingly curated with a seasonal focus in mind. Evergreen, ethereal, sometimes haunting, but consistently filled with perennial sonic pleasures.

To quote Midori Takada, ‘Everything on this Earth has a sound.’

John Cage would like to add, 'I feel that sound is acting.'

Who knows, maybe the plants are too?
Nothing is for sure when you're Moon Gardening.

