Deep Listening w/ Sound Thought episode 51

Bringing you a taster of our vibe for tonight's event: Sound Thought Social at the Flying Duck's Apollo Bar from 8pm!
NAH - Please Allow Me To Begin Again
Universal Cell Unlock - Tower Thoughts
Jerod S. Rivera - Cloud Pleaser
Duval Timothy - Stuck
Adela Mede - Sloboda
David Fennessy - Caruso
Daniel Lanois - Time On
Daniel Lanois - Satie
Madeleine Cocolas - A memory, blown out
Kazuya Ishigami - Danpen
Lia Kohl - Tennis Court Light, Snow
Anenon - Night Painting
Miki Yui - Dial Sun
Susannah Stark - Saturn
Sydney Spann - Possession
Tristwch Y Fenywod - Blodyn Gwyrdd
Tristwch Y Fenywod - Ferch
Mathias Arrignon - To The Hum Of The Forest (excerpt)
Dorothy Carlos - Split
Oklou - obvious