
Liminal Space w/ s3rpien

Liminal Space w/ s3rpien

Liminal and liminoid states represent transitional phases where established values, symbols, and norms become destabilised, placing individuals in an ambiguous space between past and future. These states are integral to spiritual and social rituals, aesthetic and psychedelic experiences, and moments of technological, cultural, and political upheaval. In music, liminality manifests in boundary-pushing expressions—whether through hybrid identities in music cultures, altered states induced by sound, or the fluidity of digital music. The liminal challenges conventional structures and identities, fostering an environment of heightened sensitivity, experimentation, and potential transformation. It is a space where the self encounters the “other,” the unconscious, and new ways of being, offering both regenerative possibilities and unsettling uncertainty.

field recording, soundscape, idm, ambient, experimental, techno

